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(age 2 - 3 years)

In our Kind Kiwis classroom (2-3 years) the teachers nurture the students as they master new skills every day.  Our staff in the Kind Kiwis program are extremely qualified; health and safety are primary concerns for our youngest friends.  The curriculum allows their day to be fun, educational, and exciting as they master new skills.

The program also focuses on foundational skills of pro-social development of starting to understand emotions and empathy for their friends.  

Kind Kiwis
Patient Plums
(age 3 - 3.5 years)

In our Patient Plums classroom (2-3 years) the teachers nurture the students as they master new skills every day.  Our staff in the Kind Kiwis program are extremely qualified; health and safety are primary concerns for our youngest friends.  The curriculum allows their day to be fun, educational, and exciting as they master new skills.

The program also focuses on foundational skills of pro-social development of starting to understand emotions and empathy for their friends.  

Joyful Junipers
(age 3 - 4 years)

In our Joyful Junipers classroom (2-3 years) the teachers nurture the students as they master new skills every day.  Our staff in the Kind Kiwis program are extremely qualified; health and safety are primary concerns for our youngest friends.  The curriculum allows their day to be fun, educational, and exciting as they master new skills.

The program also focuses on foundational skills of pro-social development of starting to understand emotions and empathy for their friends.  

Faithful Figs
(age 4 - 6 years)

In the Faithful Figs preschool program, your child can come as little as two 1/2 days (5 hours or less) per week to as much as 5 full days.  Our preschool is praised by parents as well as Kindergarten teachers.

Our faith-based preschool curriculum contains 3 components:


This is a pre-school way to learn the abstract phonetic sounds and shapes of letters and connect them with concrete images and large motor movements. Follow this link to see an informative video about the benefits of Zoo Phonics. There is no need to purchase anything.

Faith-Based Curriculum:  

Our preschool in Fort Collins is a ministry of Christ Fellowship Church. Every week in our preschool we link a biblical story or concept with another theme. For example, when you get the curriculum for the year you will see something like the story of Jesus calming the storm paired with a weather theme. It is a fun way to learn the truth about God and His creation.

Kindness Curriculum:  

This is an important aspect of preparing pre-school children for Kindergarten. We partner with you in developing healthy pro-social skills such as problem solving, calming down strategies, taking turns, and how to be a good friend.

Throughout our preschool program, we also help students to use the tools around them. We want them to hold a pencil correctly from the beginning. See “Handwriting without Tears” for more information on how we help children master writing skills:  

Children will begin to use scissors, glue, and a large variety of art supplies as they prepare for Kindergarten.  In our preschool, we value the art of learning through their work, which is playing.


Phone: (970) 223-0682


3850 Ziegler Road 
Fort Collins, CO 80525

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Monday - Friday

6:30 am to 6:00 pm

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